niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013

Parts of NSA's PRISM program declassified

Hague also refused to say whether he had authorised GCHQ's access to Prism, or how many Britons had been spied upon, while insisting it was "nonsense" for people to think analysts at the agency in Cheltenham "are sitting around working out how toLast night, the Washington Post and Guardian dropped concurrent bombshell reports. Their subject was PRISM, a covert collaboration between the NSA, FBI, and nearly every tech company you rely on daily. PRISM hasThe National Security Agency's classified PRISM program is an internal government computer system used to manage foreign intelligence collected from Internet and other electronic service providers, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper saidThe New York Times said the companies named in the Prism documents had co-operated to some degree with the US authorities. Twitter was a notable exception to the list

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