niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013

Parts of NSA's PRISM program declassified

Today, Yahoo's General Counsel posted a carefully worded denial regarding the company's alleged participation in the NSA PRISM program. To the casual observer, it might seem like a categorical denial. I do not believe thatIt's had to have been an interesting week for the people at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). The non-profit has been beating the drum about the importance of digital rights, privacy, and metadata for decades now. And in recent years, one ofPRISM is real. Even the U.S. government now acknowledges its existence. The question that remains unanswered, though, is how involved Google, Apple, Yahoo, AO.."Direct Access" didn't mean no access. "Back door" didn't mean no door. "Only in accordance with the law" didn't..Here's one of the things I want to know about the government's electronic-spying

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