czwartek, 6 czerwca 2013

OSU President Gordon Gee To Retire

And now, Gordon Gee, middle, is gone two years later after a series of unfortunate quotes disparaging others. (AP Photo). Your president made a fool of himself two years ago when he said he hoped the coach who had just been exposed as a three-time liarOhio State President E. Gordon Gee said this afternoon that he plans to retire on July 1, an announcement which followed the latest in a series of verbal gaffes that he said were meant as harmless jokes but ended up embarrassing the universityNo university president knows that better today than Ohio State's Gordon Gee, whose loose lips while discussing matters regarding the jocks have now cost him his job. Gee will resign, effective July 1. While inside Columbus he will be regarded as anIt's easy to forget that not too long ago Catholics were viewed as a minority group in America, approached with skepticism by the Protestant

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