sobota, 20 kwietnia 2013

'We got him!' Second marathon suspect in custody after tense standoff

Fox News' Jana Winter still faces jail time simply for doing her job. In the words of Fox News' Judge Napolitano: “Putting reporters in jail for revealing the truth while protecting their sources is highly offensive to the values theEditor's note: Terror expert Steve Emerson spoke with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly Friday about suspects' possible motives in the Boston Marathon terror attacks. The following is a summary of the information he shared with her: Emerson's InvestigativeApril 18, 2013. President Obama hadn't finished his first sentence on Wednesday when the Fox News Channel cut away from his Rose Garden remarks about the Senate's defeat of a measure that would have expanded background checks for gun buyers.Fox News' Jana Winter still faces jail time simply for doing her job. In the words of Fox News' Judge Napolitano: “Putting

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