wtorek, 5 marca 2013

Obama calling GOP senators to talk sequester fix

President Obama may be backing away from his doomsday spending-cut predictions as the sequester goes into place. But the new party line is that while there will be no impact in the first few days, there'll be a slow,From environmental programs to renewable energy support to all kinds of inspections, the more than $80 billion in automatic budget cuts will have an impact. Read more…In his big interview Sunday with Chris Wallace on Fox News, Mr. Romney expressed regret at his relegation to the national sideline and said that, if elected, he'd have focused his executive skills on fixing the sequester problem. “It kills me not to beMany, many commenters come out to discuss the sequestration, even on an equanimous column like Eugene Robinson's today, about how the only real response one can have at this point is despair over our system of government. Yes, PostScript just

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