środa, 5 czerwca 2013

WSJ Profile isn't a LinkedIn competitor

Not the target. FORTUNE -- What do the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg have in mind for the business-oriented social networks they are each reportedly launching? Probably something less ambitious than "taking on LinkedIn," as several accounts would Just in time for the one-year anniversary of getting its socks knocked off in an attack that saw 6.5 million passwords swiped. Thanks: that's a good anniversary gift, LinkedIn.LinkedIn has been busy upgrading pieces to its business social network in recent weeks, with updates to its contacts, the release of a new mobile contacts app for iPhone, revamped user profiles, the addition of channels to its news site LinkedIn TodayWho knew that tighter security was all the rage these days? Following Dropbox, Google and virtually everyone else, LinkedIn has joined the trendy (if.Make way for another major update to the LinkedIn

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