środa, 26 czerwca 2013

Richard Matheson, Writer of Haunted Science Fiction and Horror, Dies at 87

"He fired my imagination by placing his horrors not in European castles and Lovecraftian universes, but in American scenes I knew and could relate to," Stephen King, who cited Matheson as the author "who influenced me most," wrote in a tribute postedInterview with Richard Matheson. Cory Doctorow at 11:36 pm Mon, Jun 24, 2013. Rick Kleffel sez, "We'll miss Richard Matheson he introduced me to the sort of stories he wrote when I was arguably too young to read them. I found an old UPDATE: Influential science fiction and fantasy author Richard Matheson (I Am Legend, The Twilight Zone) died yesterday from natural causes at his home, su.Interview with Richard Matheson. Cory Doctorow at 11:36 pm Mon, Jun 24, 2013. Rick Kleffel sez, "We'll miss Richard Matheson he introduced me to the sort of stories he wrote when I was arguably too young to read them. I

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