niedziela, 16 czerwca 2013

Nelson Mandela remains in South African hospital

PRETORIA, South Africa – Nelson Mandela's family spoke publicly for the first time since his latest hospital admission Wednesday as sources expressed optimism about his progress. “We appreciate the support we have Nelson Mandela is back in the news this week with the announcement that he's once again in the hospital and in fragile condition. And while the legacy of the former South African president and anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela recovering well, says grandson. NELSON MANDELA is recovering well from a lung infection which has kept him in a serious condition in hospital for a week, his grandson said yesterday. Published: Sun, June 16, 2013. Tweet · 1 Comments.PRETORIA, South Africa – Nelson Mandela's family spoke publicly for the first time since his latest hospital admission Wednesday as sources expressed optimism about his progress. “We

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