czwartek, 6 czerwca 2013

Casinos ban gamblers from wearing Google Glass

Stand in a line of people in just about any major metropolitan area in the world and you'll see the same thing: slouched shoulders and down-turned faces.Google Glass just got a little bit better. The search giant on Tuesday announced new software for the Google Glass camera that will improve photo taking. The update gives Glass the ability to snap multiple photos at once and combine them, so users canGoogle Glass just got a little bit better. The search giant on Tuesday announced new software for the Google Glass camera that will improve photo taking. The update gives Glass the ability to snap multiple photos at once and combine them, so users canThad Starner thinks people will soon crave the ultrafast communication that Google Glass makes possible.Glass got its very first porn app today, but just a few hours after its launch, the service has already been pulled from Google's

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