czwartek, 11 kwietnia 2013

Margaret Thatcher No ordinary politician

She was unrepentant about her attack on the “heinous social, economic and spiritual damage” which she said that Mrs Thatcher had wreaked upon the UK during her premiership, which caused uproar when she delivered it. Many Tories were particularlySEVERAL prime ministers have occupied 10 Downing Street for as long as, or even longer than, Margaret Thatcher. Some have won as many elections—Tony Blair, for one. But Mrs Thatcher (later Lady Thatcher), Britain's only woman prime minister, was theShe was unrepentant about her attack on the “heinous social, economic and spiritual damage” which she said that Mrs Thatcher had wreaked upon the UK during her premiership, which caused uproar when she delivered it. Many Tories were particularlyScotland Yard is sifting through the potential threats to the funeral of Lady Thatcher as it tries to assess what is idle chatter and which

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